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Top manager office


Core Values

To build a lasting company, we recognize the importance of having the right person in the right seat, all rowing in the same direction. We use these core values to guide how we hire, lead, and retain our team, ensuring we all embody the same standards for a strong culture

Cement Floor


“We are keen to learn and grow, turning challenges into opportunities. We approach our work with kindness by being generous, helpful, and considerate of others’ perspectives. By leveraging know-how, we provide expert solutions that drive success. Each team member contributes their expertise to our collective achievements, fostering a culture of continuous learning and problem-solving.”

(eager &

Always eager to learn, grow, and actively pursue knowledge.

(generous & considerate)

Approaching work with empathy, supporting others, and fostering a positive environment.

(expertise &

Leveraging expertise to provide valuable solutions and insights.


"We use imagination to act decisively and seize opportunities, always focusing on impactful results. With ingenuity, we foster experimentation and commit to research and development, driving breakthrough innovations that shape the future of spine surgery. Anticipating future needs, we maintain our innovation lead."

(Creative thinking)

We visualize the needs around the corner and the timing to develop patentable solutions that are 10x advancements above what exists, encouraging out-of-the-box ideas.


Focused on delivering meaningful results that drive progress.

(resourceful & inventive)

Adapting and inventing new approaches to overcome challenges

(honesty & follow-through)

We do what we say we will do, on time, to prevent procrastination, which stifles dreams and leads to lost opportunities


"We empower customers through clear communication, education, and exceptional support. By providing tailored solutions and maintaining responsiveness, we build confidence and trust. Through collaboration, we create lasting partnerships that maximize the value of our innovations and consistently exceed customer expectations."

(clear and open)

Prioritizing transparent, effective communication to build trust.

(trust and assurance)

Instilling trust and demonstrating confidence in our solutions.

(teamwork & partnership)

Working together to achieve shared goals and foster lasting relationships.

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